Our main logo is our logo block. Containing both the 'Pixel icon' and the 'Techspace' word marque. The relationships between the ‘Techspace' word marque and the ‘pixel icon’ are fixed and are not to be altered. The word Techspace is never used on its own – it always includes the pixel icon. The primary colour of the Techspace logo is navy.
With the avatar logo, the 'Pixel icon' is the centre piece, acting as the main subject.
None of our logos are to be cropped, stretched or recoloured, and should always remain tight when resized. We do not employ a "stacked" avatar logo.
Please feel free to download by clicking the button below the corresponding logo.
Logo rules
Clear Space:
The Techspace logo should always be kept clear of competing text, images and graphics. It must be surrounded on all sides by an adequate clearspace–a space equal to two times the height of the square pixel from our logo icon.

Minimum size:
Our logo should always be used at a size appropriate for the application. To ensure legibility, it should be never be reproduced any smaller than 25mm or 150px high.

Bringing energy and freshness to our brand identity are our colours. With our primary colour palette consisting of the three colours Navy, Fizzy Pink and Cream.
Our secondary colour palette has been created to bring diversity and variation to our brand – Light Pink, Light Blue, and Light Cream.
R11 G51 B73
C97 M73 Y48 K45
Pantone 2965 C
Fizzy Pink
R255 G87 B123
C0 M82 Y32 K0
Pantone 1785 C
R255 G2 B219
C0 M6 Y13 K0
Pantone 7506 C
Light Pink
R255 G217 B219
C0 M18 Y6 K0
Pantone 176 C
Light Blue
R190 G233 B224
C24 M0 Y15 K0
Pantone 324 C
Light Cream (45% Tint)
R255 G2 B219
C0 M6 Y13 K0
Pantone 7506 C
Our Primary typeface is BW Gradual. A geometric sans with distinct characteristics to deliver a comfortable and pleasant reading experience. All hero content and messaging should be set in BW Gradual. We can use a mixture of weights within our communications. Bold and Medium, for use within headings, subheadings and any content we wish to drawn attention to.
DM Sans is our regular font and use for body copy and some headings.
BW Gradual
Light italic
—Bold used for single word emphasis
—Medium used for main headlines set in sentence case
—Regular for smaller subheading and body copy
—Light italic can be used to highlight specific captions of text
DM Sans
—Bold used for body copy headings
—Regular for smaller subheadings and body copy